Patreon Questions

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Hey kids, so ever since the site launched I have been looking into setting up my own Patreon account. For a while I was trying to figure out just what exactly I could do for you guys as well as regular illustrations, since I've been flirting around with videos as you have seen. Thing is, I have a real problem when it comes to focus. While myself & my Future-Wife Meg are hard at work on setting up our own studio for our collab work including the webcomic Grim Reaper School, my own work is a lot less easy to lump together. 

Many folks know that I spent several years doing fandom based illustrations for client, mainly gaming stuff like Warcraft, Halo etc. Another big chunk of my portfolio came from Adult art, Furry Porn, & yet again Warcraft based smut. Then of course on top of that you have the live streaming I have been trying to do on a regular basis which bounces from both the adult & more safe for work stuff that I do. Then add the attempt to do the occasional LP & you can see where I'm getting a little bit stuck in WHAT to make my Patreon appeal about. 

While I know there are some people who have multiple Patreons for different projects, I honestly don't know if I can create enough content each week for 3-4 different feeds, & I doubt all my regular art fans would want to have Azerothian Smut & Furry's banging away with my TGWTG/Doctor Who paintings. So yeah, I'm just trying to find a workable compromise where I can share the wide variety of things I do with the people who enjoy them, & get paid because having your Future-Wife in another country is a huuuuuge drain on my already craptastic budget. 

Suggestions, advice or any kind of ideas very much appreciated kids,

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